Bye Bye

Mattie took the Buquebus to Buenos Aires last night.  She will be in Texas next week, and will probably be hating the heat.  After that, it’s a few weeks in Our Nation’s Capitol, then off to new adventures in Europe.

Long Shadow

It was late afternoon at the beach!

Happy to Be Here

Mattie’s happy to be strolling about.

Beach Patrol

Atlantida’s beach is much whiter than Montevideo’s beaches…

Wet Dog

Water, sun, surf … gonna miss this.

Off to the Sea

Doing the puppy’s favorite thing.


Even though it looks like a summer day, the temperature is cold.  It’s winter here, but Mattie still has to go in.


Mattie believe she can blend in at the beach.

New Beach

New smells!  Mattie visited Atlantida a couple of weeks ago.

Sunny Winter Day

What better time for a stroll on the beach?