Archive for March, 2011

Almost as Tall

Another puppy almost as tall as Mattie making friends with her.  Not nearly as wide, though.

Sharr Block

Mattie makes sure on one gets past.


You’re on candid camera… one of Mattie’s photogenic moments.


But it’s the doggie dance, not the safety dance.  What is it about dogs that they do this constantly?

Just a Causeway

Something to walk on to get to the waves.

Out from the Deep…

Would you be scared if this was coming out of the water toward you?

Stalking the Shade

For some reason, Mattie much prefers the shade on a summer day.

French Fried

Mattie scores on McDonald’s…

Not Me!

Who emptied and shredded all the chip bags?

Still Looking

for snuggles.  It’s a constant occupation.